
Pedestrian SAFETY

Pedestrian safety continues to be a huge concern for children and adolescents. Reports show a pedestrian is killed every 119 minutes in a traffic-related crash, and one is injured every 8 minutes (NHTSA, 2011). It is important that we teach our children how to be safe pedestrians. Children are at a greater risk of injuries because they lack exposure to traffic. Children have a hard time scanning for traffic, judging car speeds, and anticipating driver behaviors. Their smaller stature also makes it more difficult for drivers to see them.

Here are a few tips to make sure kids are safe while walking:

Make sure parents and caregivers hold young children’s hands when crossing streets and when in parking lots

Teach kids to walk on sidewalks or paths and if there is no sidewalk available, be sure to face traffic and stay left

Teach kids never to run into the street without looking

Teach kids to always cross streets at corners. Make sure to use signals and crosswalks when crossing.

Make sure kids make eye contact with drivers before entering the crosswalk

Teach kids to look left, then right, then left again before crossing the street

Teach kids to always walk across the street. Never run.

Teach kids never to cross the street between parked cars. You may see oncoming traffic but chances are they don’t see you.

Teach kids to always cross in front of school buses- at least 10 feet in front of them

Keep an eye out for cars that are turning or backing up

Make sure kids are easily seen by cars. Encourage kids to wear bright clothing and reflective materials so they are easily seen at dawn, dusk, evening or during bad weather.

Make sure children are supervised until they have good pedestrian skills and walking judgment

  • Advocating for engineering solutions;
  • Participating in May’s National Bike to School Day events;
  • Providing bicycle safety education; and
  • Participating in helmet fitting and distribution events
  • Conducting the Safe Kids Walk This Way Program, teaching safe behaviors to drivers and children;
  • Participating in local walk audits;
  • Advocating for engineering and traffic calming solutions;
  • Supporting local schools in developing Safe Routes to School grants;
  • Participating annually in October’s International Walk to School Day, leading children in walking school buses and providing pedestrian safety education; and
  • Supporting local efforts to improve pedestrian safety, such as providing guidance to a local Girl Scout Troop as they conduct a photovoicing service project.

Bookmark created by Civic Thread with funding from California Kids Plates. Order your custom license plate today! Translation funded by Sacramento County Public Health. 

Contact Coalition Coordinator Jennifer Rubin at [email protected] for professional printing versions.

Click below for more information about pedestrian safety

Jennifer Rubin

Jennifer Rubin

Injury Prevention Specialist
UC Davis Health

Safe Kids Greater Sacramento Coalition Coordinator
[email protected]

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