Jennifer's image

for members

Dear Members,

Thank you for your commitment to reducing unintentional injuries to children in our community.  Please contact me at any time if I can do anything to assist you in your efforts. You are welcome to borrow our injury prevention displays and games, pick up fliers and brochures to distribute, or meet with me to discuss programs and events. Please visit the links in this section for more information.

Have a safe day,

Jennifer Rubin, CPSTI
Injury Prevention Specialist, UC Davis Health
Safe Kids Greater Sacramento Coalition Coordinator

Borrow Displays

Bring your next health and safety fair booth to life! Contact Coalition Coordinator to borrow displays pictured in the options below.

Safe Kids Greater Sacramento Bylaws– revised May 2020

Marcie Ellis Professional Development/Educational Mini-Grant Application

New Member Form – recruit a colleague!


Please contact [email protected] for more information or to add a resource.

Coronavirus Resources

Safe Kids Worldwide has provided resources focused on stay at home safety on a variety of injury prevention topics. Our members have shared the resources below for use during stay at home orders. Please contact [email protected] for more information or to add a resource.

Birth & Beyond Family Resource Center

Burn and Scald Prevention

Child Abuse Prevention


Walking and Biking

  • WALKSacramento – blog post with activities and ideas during stay at home
  • WALKSacramento – pdf summary of activities

Remote CPS Education Tool Kit

Child Passenger Safety Technician (CPST) ideas and resources on how to provide education to caregivers during social distancing from Safe Kids Worldwide, Safe Ride News, Britax, and Goodbaby.

Webinar: please watch the webinar before using materials listed on the CPS Certification site.

Toolkit: Child Passenger Safety Remote Education

Jennifer Rubin

Injury Prevention Specialist
UC Davis Health

Safe Kids Greater Sacramento Coalition Coordinator
[email protected]

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