
Become a Member

Any corporation, organization, or individual committed to the prevention of childhood injury is eligible to join Safe Kids Greater Sacramento. Complete our New Member Form to be added to the Safe Kids Greater Sacramento email list and receive coalition meeting reminders and information regarding local events.

Safe Kids Greater Sacramento Meetings

Safe Kids Greater Sacramento invites community members to join the next Safe Kids Coalition Meeting. Coalition meetings are held on the second Tuesday of odd months. Meetings are being held via Zoom at this time. Coalition meetings include updates from Safe Kids Worldwide, discussion of coalition events, guest speakers on injury prevention topics, and time for attendees to make announcements.

Safe Kids Meetings:

Safe Kids Meeting Time:

Safe Kids Meeting Location:

For more information contact Jennifer Rubin, Safe Kids Coordinator at (916) 734-9784


Help Safe Kids Greater Sacramento protect all kids from preventable injuries.  Your generous donation will be put to work immediately to protect kids by providing parents with the tips and tools they need to prevent injuries.  You can make a one-time gift, or you can choose to become an ongoing supporter by pledging a monthly gift to Safe Kids.

UC Davis Children’s Hospital serves as the fiscal agent for Safe Kids Greater Sacramento.

Become a Car Seat Technician

You can join the team of more than 35,000 certified Child Passenger Safety Technicians who give parents one-on-one personalized instruction in how to properly use and install car seats. Their patience and expertise saves lives. Click below to see a list of upcoming courses and search for courses in California.

Share Your Story

Every day we’re inspired by families who share their personal stories and experiences in order to educate others so that no parent has to endure the loss of a child from a preventable injury.  Your story can make a difference.  If you have a story about an injury, or how an injury was prevented, we’d love to hear it.  To share your story contact Safe Kids Greater Sacramento Coalition Coordinator Jennifer Rubin at 916-734-9784

“Top TIPS” Newsletter

Subscribe to the Safe Kids Worldwide monthly newsletter, “Top Tips”, to hear the latest information on how to keep kids safe. Guaranteed to make you smile at least once!

Jennifer Rubin

Jennifer Rubin

Injury Prevention Specialist
UC Davis Health

Safe Kids Greater Sacramento Coalition Coordinator
[email protected]

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